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Two capitals.
From Moscow to St. Petersburg and back

TWO CAPITALS cruises are destinations from Moscow to St. Petersburg or, conversely, from St. Petersburg to Moscow. This is a great opportunity not only to walk along one of the most popular routes, but also to get acquainted with the northwestern region of Russia and the cities on the Volga, enjoy the breathtaking landscapes of the endless Ladoga and Onega lakes, relax and get a boost of strength and vivacity with family and friends.
This area has been developed as a "business card of Russia". And, so far, it is the route of cruises on the ships between Moscow and St. Petersburg remains the most popular and in demand among foreign tourists and guests of the capitals. The cruise passes through the Moscow Canal, the Volga River, through the Rybinsk reservoir, Lake Beloe, the Volga-Baltic Canal, Lake Onega, the Svir River, Lake Ladoga (the largest in Europe), along the Neva River. UNESCO World Heritage sites on the ship route include the Kizhi ensemble, the Kremlin in Moscow, and the city center of St. Petersburg. There is simply no way to list all of the cultural treasures that are found along this route.
One-way routes taking from 6 to 8 days or a circular route, which usually takes from 11 to 14 days, are possible. If we talk directly about cities, then in addition to the most interesting cities on the Volga River, such as Uglich, Myshkin, Yaroslavl, Cherepovets, etc. KARELIA is included in the routes. You will get acquainted with the capital of this region - Petrozavodsk and such amazing places as Kizhi, Mandrogi, Svirstroy, Valaam, Konevets and Shlisselburg.
If you're dreaming of seeing the "Two Capitals" in one trip, don't hesitate to contact our KadoTravel team. We'd be happy to help you select the best ship, route, and cabin for your needs.
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